Quit Applauds Crucial Vaping Reform

From 1 July 2024, vaping products will only be available from pharmacies marking a considerable step forward in tobacco control and public health, said Quit Director, Rachael Andersen.

“These reforms passing today are a key opportunity to protect young people from an industry intent on addicting them to nicotine and paving the way to lifelong dependence.

“By restricting the sale of vaping products – regardless of nicotine content – to pharmacies only, we are closing a significant loophole that has allowed supply of these products, particularly to young Australians. This is something the public health community has been united in advocating over many months,” Ms Andersen said.

Young people aged 18 to 24 are the most likely to have used vapes, with almost one in two (49%) reporting having used them at least once in their lifetime, and more than one in five (21%) currently vaping1. A large proportion of young people who currently vape report that they want to quit.

A new national cessation platform quit.org.au has been funded by the Federal Government, and developed with young people front of mind. The funding allocation also supports the redevelopment of the My QuitBuddy app.

“There are now more ways than ever before to get support to quit vaping or smoking – you can call Quitline on 13 7848, visit us online, talk to a health professional, or download the app,” said Ms Andersen.

In the last four years, national vaping rates have almost tripled, with an estimated 1.5 million Australians over the age of 14 currently vaping2. As retail access of non-therapeutic vapes comes to an end, an uptick in the need for vaping and smoking cessation services is anticipated.

CEO of Cancer Council Victoria, Todd Harper AM, said Quit has a long-standing history of supporting Australians to quit as requests for support continue to rise.

“For 40 years, Quit has helped people stop smoking, and more recently stop vaping, evolving its services as Big Tobacco finds new ways to hook increasingly younger customers on nicotine.

“When we have calls from Australians as young as 12 wanting our support to quit vaping, we know there is more to be done to protect this generation – and future generations – from the tobacco industry and from the harms of nicotine addiction. Today’s announcement gives us hope,” said Mr Harper.

The Albanese Government’s world-leading legislation change to prevent the domestic manufacture, advertisement, supply and commercial possession of non-therapeutic vapes, along with expanded support services and public education campaigns, will help safeguard the health of young Australians for generations to come.

“We are pleased to see the wide support this Bill has gained and acknowledge Senators who voted in favour of it, further strengthening Australia’s global leadership in tobacco control,” Mr Harper said.

Quit stands ready to support all Australians who smoke or vape to quit, with more digital services offering an equitable, accessible and personalised online experience.

Ready to quit? Quit is ready to support you. At any age, at any stage of your quitting journey, visit quit.org.au or call 13 7848.


Media Contact

Prue Gildea – Quit Senior Media Advisor M: 0400 394 274 E: prue.gildea@cancervic.org.au


1 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2022–2023

2 National Drug Strategy Household Survey 2022–2023

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